Last time, we talked a little about the source of mystical
powers, developed a power modifier to make abilities part of the various
mystical powers, and finally talked a bit about power talents. Today, we will
continue working through GURPS Powers to develop a framework within which our
powers will sit. This framework will describe how the power works, what special
tricks it allows for, and any special limitations it may have.
Powers in Action
Just like last time, I will be going through the entire chapter
bit by bit looking for possible rules that might be worth including.
Turning Abilities On and Off
Powers, p. 151-156
This section primarily gives further explanation of existing
rules regarding turning abilities on an off, so we can skip 99% of this.
However, it is worth considering Crippled
Abilities (p. 156). Being able to disrupt a person’s chi or energy or
whatever is a time honored trope in martial arts, and our mystical powers are
at least loosely based on chi/ki/etc. However, we did say that one of the main
tenets of mystical abilities is that they always work. Consequently, crippling
abilities really doesn’t fit.
Success Rolls for Abilities
Powers, p. 157-161
This section begins by discussing the existing rules for success
rolls necessary for certain abilities and different ways to add success rolls
to abilities. This is all basic stuff that isn’t really worth mentioning for
our current purposes, but the following sections are:
The Roll of Talent.
This goes back to how we can make Talent more useful. The gist is that it would
be appropriate to add Talent level to skills or rolls where a powers might come
into play. I don’t think I will roll this into the individual talent
descriptions, but I will include these effects in the write-ups for abilities.
That will allow me to roll this in with any other bonuses that an ability might
grant. Always try to make your rules read as simply and concisely as possible;
it speeds up play.
Multiple Feats. Magic
already suffers from this in the form of the -1 per active spell a caster
suffers on casting rolls. It’s also fitting for psis to suffer this sort of
drawback. Mystical abilities generally require a lot of concentration (hence
the hours of daily meditation required by the power modifier!), and it gives a
reason for running up Talents as high as possible. If we include passive
abilities, though, this will lose some of its teeth and may become unwieldy
(“How do we track all of this again?”). I think it’s worth tentatively adding for
now; We can always prune it later.
Repeated Attempts.
Both martial artists and psis tend to either succeed on the first attempt or
generally not succeed at all. Of course, high drama often sees a last-ditch
effort finally work, but generally, repeated attempts lead to ultimate failure.
Is this how we see mystical powers working? It would fit with the source
material that it mimics, but it potentially cuts down on the awesomeness
quotient of the powers. I’m on the fence, so until a contrary reason arises, I’m
ruling in favor of awesome. Repeated Attempts is out until it’s a problem.
Abilities and Exertion.
Hack and slash games are resource management games. PCs have a limited amount
of HP, FP, gold, etc., and they have to balance when to spend them and when not
to. This makes the many things that can eat up those resources important to the
game style and thus worthy of expanded detail. Abilities and Exertion expands the ways in which certain PCs can
spend their precious FP, so I’m including it.
Trading Fatigue for
Effect. While this does offer another way to spend FP and it would be
fitting for this power, it could potentially make it unbalanced against magic
and miracles. While yes, spells allow you to spend extra FP for additional
effect, spells have a lot of ways they can go wrong: failure on a casting roll,
resistance, etc. Mystical powers don’t necessarily have these, although we will
have to make a decision on skill rolls for mystical powers later. If we do
include those, I can see this being justifiable, and that might be a vote in
favor of those rules, too. So for now, this will fall in the “maybe” pile and
get pruned depending on what other rules we choose later.
With that said, we should take a look at just how to trade
fatigue for effect. As it stands, doing so requires a Will roll based on how
much the ability is being boosted, and the attempt costs a flat 1 FP. Since we
are only going to include this if abilities require skill rolls to use, this
means making two skill rolls for the attempt; this is redundant. So why not do
this instead:
Trading Fatigue for Effect costs 1 FP per 5% increase in effect
to a maximum of 3 x Power Talent Level. This would effectively cap the most FP
spent at 18 and the largest possible increase at +90%. This carries a risk
beyond possibly spending the FP for no special boost. Critical failure not only
results in the ability failing for that use, but you have to roll against Will
or have your entire power burn out
for 1d seconds!
Trading Fatigue for Skill.
I don’t think this isn’t particularly fitting for mystical powers. You are
either good enough or you aren’t. Burning FP doesn’t feel like the right way to
influence this, so that’s a nope. Notice, however, that I borrowed heavily from
this in the above solution to Trading Fatigue for Effect: The penalty is
essentially offset by Trading Fatigue for Skill and capped by Talent.
Using Abilities with Skills
Powers, p. 161-163
I have teased bits from this section a couple of times now, so
finally we can look at where I think mystical powers will shine. Here is where
they can offer abilities in a way that sets them apart from magic and miracles.
I’ll admit I’m still a bit conflicted over the extent to which I want to
include skills in mysticism, but it would certainly be fitting. What I may do
is replace any existing success rolls for advantages with skill rolls that can
be improved directly. Let’s see as we proceed.
Skills Enhancing
Abilities. My immediate feeling is that this strays too far into the comic
book side of things. Granted, hack-and-slash is often cheesy and light-hearted,
so while I think this might be going too much, that’s really not my main
concern. Primarily, I worry that this will slow down play while the GM and
player hash out what they can do. One way around this would be to call out when
an ability can enhance skills, which skills, and how, all within the ability’s
description. This has the benefit of allowing an option that other powers don’t
offer and keeping the rules as user friendly as possible.
Abilities Enhancing
Skills. Just as above, this could be quite unwieldy if not handled well,
but I definitely want to include this. The way to do it is to have a paragraph
worth of text in the ruleset explaining how the success roll works, and then
including a line in each ability entry that lists the skills it can boost and
by how much they are boosted. That’s a pretty elegant solution that removes any
need for discussion in the middle of play. Just roll and shout and enjoy the
Skills for Everyone. On
a fundamental level, I think mystical powers should require training to be
useful, but I think that this style of game would be hampered more than it is
enhanced by making the PC roll for every ability. It also makes mystical powers
more like spells built as advantages, which I don’t want. Mysticism should
remain distinct from magic. Moreover, mystical powers are supposed to just
work. Skill rolls to activate introduce an increased chance of failure. And
lastly, some mystical powers – Lifting ST, Reduced Consumption, Recovery, etc.
– should always be on. All of this comes together to mean that mystical powers
won’t receive their own skills.
Power Techniques.
Since there are no power skills, there are no power techniques, either, as a
rule. I may break this rule when I get around to making power-ups for mystics,
but that is kind of the point of power-ups – to break the rules. That said,
even in those instances, power techniques will only apply to advantages that
already have associated success rules that sometimes take penalties. For our
purposes here, we will say this is not included.
Detecting Abilities
Powers, p. 163-164
This entire section concerns itself with how to detect abilities.
There’s nothing here to consider adding to a ruleset so much as guidelines for
how to deal with a situation that may arise. Something I do want to note here,
since there really isn’t a better place to mention it, is that mystical powers
should be subtle. This will likely
mean a lot of abilities end up with Low Signature or No Signature.
Superhuman Abilities in Combat
Powers, p. 164-169
This section mostly concerns itself with how to handle various
types of attacks. This is largely straight forward with some advice about how
to handle some edge cases. Nothing here really belongs in a rule set for a
power; it is too broadly applicable and can be referenced if such cases arise.
Instead, we will look a few optional rules and special cases.
Collateral Damage. There
are plenty of times when explosions and property damage are all that matter,
but not here. Hack-and-slash is a combat-oriented style of play, so we should
give combat detail. This makes collateral damage quite inappropriate.
Coordinated Attacks. These
involve multiple people taking time to communicate their plans – preferably
without tipping off the enemy – and favors those with similar powers. There are
a few issues here that prevent this from making a good rule for mysticism.
First, communicating nonverbally requires magic, telepathy, or gestures. The
first takes time to pull off unless planned ahead of time. The last takes even
more time and for teammates to look at you
instead of who they are fighting. The middle requires mystics to take a
telepathy power, which they might not want to do. All of this means that coordinated
attacks aren’t fast, and GURPS combat generally lasts around 3 to 5 seconds –
about as long as it takes to set up your coordinated attack!
The other issue is more fundamental. Hack-and-slash tends to
include niche protection. This means that if you’re a mystic, you’re probably
the only mystic in the group. This
immediately removes any benefits from using similar powers, so that mitigation
factor is just gone, and it isn’t coming back. Together, these mean that
coordinated attacks don’t really belong in hack-and-slash as they currently exist
in Powers. I may consider creating a power-up at some point based on this, but
it won’t be restricted to just one power or source.
Ricochets. The nature
of mysticism makes this a dubious choice to include. Mystical powers are
subtle, and they don’t hurl projectiles or energy bolts around. They attack
opponents through an invisible spiritual connection that doesn’t care about
corners or walls or what have you. So the idea of bouncing such attacks off of
things just doesn’t fit.
Defending with Powers.
I am wary of granting extra active defenses, but there is some good stuff in
here. I would be willing to entertain the idea of Power Defenses being an
additional option for active defenses, but still maintaining the limit of one
active defense per attack without All-Out Defense (Double). This has the
advantage of giving more teeth to Power Talents and letting mystics play to
their stronger attributes, since DX won’t necessarily be very high.
Looking at the suitability of individual Power Defenses, I’d say
that Power Block definitely fits, and Power Dodge may be an option depending on
which abilities get included. Power Parries look like their constraints will
generally prevent them from working outside of mental battles. No matter what,
it is getting included in some form in part, if not in whole.
Resisting Abilities. Most
of this is general advice for how the rules in the chapter interact with
resisting abilities, but I’d like to take a quick look at Trading Fatigue for Resistance. This optional rule would allow a
mystic to trade up to 4 FP for a bonus to contested resistance rolls. This
sounds fitting for the trope – a psi or chi master pouring his energy into his
defenses against an attack. It also provides something else for mystics to
spend a resource on. Let’s add it to our list of rules.
Talent as Resistance. Getting
an additional bonus against other mystics using the power specific to your
Power Talent is pretty narrow, and it follows the logic behind Power Block, so
I don’t see how this will unbalance anything more than Power Block would. I
think it’ll go in the keeper list for now. Pruning may see it dropped if it’s
too narrow.
Powers, p. 170-174
This section covers a few major tricks people with powers might
be able to pull off. Most of these are outside the scope of Magic or Miracles,
so we might want to be careful rolling them into mysticism as is. Still, many
of these be of some use in some way. Let’s take a look.
Combining Powers. As I
mentioned before, a common trope of hack-and-slash is niche protection. This
means that you won’t see a bunch of mystics in a party any more than you would
see several clerics or a horde of wizards. Combining powers requires that
everyone involved draw their powers from the same source; e.g., magic, the same
god, nature, etc. This means that a party would
need a bunch of mystics for this to be useful to mystics, and as we said above,
this runs contrary to common tropes and expectations. Thus, we don’t really
have to examine this much more deeply than this.
Temporary Enhancements.
This option lets anyone adjust the enhancements on an ability on the fly. This
is pretty potent and doesn’t cost any additional points, but it does have its
drawbacks – time, a success roll, and FP cost. Again, I like the idea of giving
people things to spend FP on, but this would give Mysticism a lot of versatility and require more
adjudication during play – something that slows down game play. This suggests to
me that a more controlled form of this might be better suited to the game, and I’m
eyeing what we already did with Power Techniques. Essentially, if we use a
combination of Power Techniques and Temporary Enhancements to create specific
power-ups, that gives players predefined options they can spend points on
without slowing down the game or vastly expanding what Mysticism might do.
Because these will have to be purchased (probably built as a combination of
Rules Exemption Perks and techniques), let’s not include them in our ruleset.
Using Abilities at
Default. This rule lets a PC use advantages he doesn’t have if they are
somehow related to abilities he does have, with several drawbacks. Again, this
opens up the adjudication can of worms and greatly expands the versatility of
Mysticism. Neither of these are plusses, and since this literally involves
building a new ability to offer a use that wouldn’t otherwise be possible, I
don’t see why this needs to be anywhere near our ruleset. In fact, I won’t even
bother using this to make new power-ups, since power-ups can definitely be advantages
that are related to a power. That all makes this pretty out of place and/or
redundant for our purposes.
Source-Specific Rules
Powers, p. 174-178
While this section mostly just makes suggestions for which rules
befit which sources, it also includes a handful of custom rules that are worth
perusing. I’ll specifically mention those that seem of potential use to
mystical powers and discuss each.
Chi Imbalance. This
requires the chance of crippling a power, and we have already talked about why Mysticism
cannot be crippled. As a result, this one really doesn’t fit at all.
Skill Use. This falls
in line with Abilities Enhancing Skills
(p. 161), and our decision there was to use it but incorporate its benefits
into the individual ability descriptions. We will do the same thing here. We
won’t substitute Power Blow for extra effort rolls, though, and since Mystical
powers cannot be crippled, we don’t need to worry about Body Control or
Meditation replacing HT or Will.
Targeting Chi Abilities.
At first glance, I didn’t like this, but the more I read it, the more I think
it would befit the Soul Mastery power. For that reason, I think including it
might be a good idea. Most people won’t have Pressure Secrets to attempt this,
but those who do will have a devastating trick they can use against mystics.
Faltering. Thematically,
this doesn’t sound bad! Yeah, it references Crippled
Abilities, but it replaces them with something that is kind of similar, but
fitting. This means, we might want to go back to Skill Use, above, and
substitute a Meditation roll for the Will roll here. That also gives Meditation
some mechanical utility that it desperately needs in a hack-and-slash game. So
I’d say this is in.
Brain vs. Mind. For
this one to work, we need to reskin it as “Brain vs. Soul”, but let’s see where
that takes us. This means that a mystic’s powers travel with his soul through
projection, possession, etc. Since mystical powers come from the soul, brain
damage really shouldn’t affect a mystic’s ability to use his powers beyond him
remaining alive and conscious. Also, Targeting Chi Abilities, above, already
covers a way to attack a mystic’s powers directly. This all seems reasonable,
so let’s roll with it.
Summary and Comparison
To summarize, here are the rules options we are employing for
Mystical Powers in the format that GURPS Powers does on p. 174-178.
Beneficial Options: Mystics
are wise and knowledgeable individuals who can use Skills Enhancing Abilities (p. 162) and Abilities Enhancing Skills (p. 161) to get the most out of their
skills. Defending with Powers (p.
167-169) and Talent as Resistance (p.
169) speak to the larger-than-life combat many mystical traditions are known
for. Finally, tremendous efforts are integral to the idea of mystics, so it is
only fitting to include Trading Fatigue
for Effect (p. 160-161) and Trading
Fatigue for Resistance (p. 169).
Limiting Options: Multiple
Feats (p. 158-159) and Faltering
(p. 177) are extremely appropriate given the intense mental focus needed to
access and use mystical powers, and Abilities
and Exertion (p. 159) represents the physical toll such concentration takes
on the body. Mystical powers derive from the soul and not the brain, and Brain vs. Mind (p. 177) represents this
well. Similarly, Targeting Chi Abilities
(p. 175) allows those with special training to still disrupt a mystic’s
connection to the collective soul of the world.
Comparing this write-up to those for Chi Powers and Psionic
Powers, we find that it is about on par with Chi Powers in terms of benefits
and restrictions. Psionic Powers have access to slightly more versatility in
the form of Temporary Enhancements, but overall, they too are about on par.
That’s good.
Next, let’s look at the other supernatural abilities in Starfall
– Standard Magic and Divine Powers. If we consider what standard magic can do,
we find that it is extremely versatile and provides for a form of Trading Fatigue for Effect. Moreover,
increased skill results in greater effect and cheaper costs. It does lack the
versatility of Temporary Enhancements and Using Abilities at Default, but so
does Mysticism. Drawbacks include Mana Levels, being susceptible to anti-magic,
Multiple Feats, and essentially Abilities and Exertion. Overall, this
feels pretty balanced.
Similarly, Divine Powers have a wide range of abilities, but
generally lack flexibility or the ability to boost them via Extra Effort. On
the up side, they suffer fewer drawbacks – only Multiple Feats, Repeated Attempts, and a milder form of Fickle. On the surface, this seems fair,
but we might end up tweaking our take on Divine Power at a later time. For now,
I’m willing to call our Mystical Powers ruleset fair.
Implications for Power Talents
Having now examined all of the optional rules we will include in
our Mystical Powers ruleset, we can return our attention to the Power Modifier
and Power Talents. The former really isn’t affected by these rules, but the
latter with worth a reexamination in this new light.
So just what does a level of Power Talent get you now?
- +1 to resist other mystical powers.
- +1 to use your mystical powers.
- +1 to the cap on spending FP for effect.
- +1/2 to Power Defenses.
- +1 to up to five skills for [5/level], ten skills for [10/level], or fifteen skills for [15/level].
How does this stack up against existing talents? Well, usually,
you get the included listed +1 to skills based on cost and +1 to reaction rolls
from a group of people. The latter two bonuses are not included in the power talent. So let’s consider these benefits.
+1 to the cap on spending
FP for effect. This isn’t really that major, since the ability to spend FP
is already enabled for mystical powers. I’d call it a feature, at best.
+1 to use your mystical
powers. Powers specifically says this sort of benefit can be added to any
existing talent without affecting its cost, so I don’t see why I should worry
about it.
+1 to resist other
mystical powers. This is a relatively narrow bonus, so I don’t mind putting
it on par with +1 to reaction rolls.
+1/2 to Power Defenses.
This is bonus could result in active defense options like Power Block-14 or
Power Dodge-14. That’s not amazing, but it’s not horrible, either. I’m not sure
it’s really worth more than +1 to reaction rolls.
Considering all of this, I don’t think it’s really necessary to
worry about increasing the price or decreasing the number of skills in a Power
Talent at a given cost level. Keeping the cost as is, and including the skill
bonuses might be a little cheap, but it should incentivize players to take
multiple power talents, and that’s something I’d like to see happen.
Once I’m done working up these rules, I’ll be testing them by
making a few characters and seeing what sort of breaks might exist. I suspect
that will shake out any issues present in what I just decided for Power
Talents. I’d love to get some feedback on this, though!
Next Time...
...we will assign traits to each power. This will mean going back to Choosing Abilities (Powers, p. 9-20), going over the various advantages in GURPS, and also visiting GURPS Power-Ups 2 - Perks to pick out suitable power perks for each power. Once this is finished, we can begin writing up individual abilities for each power, but that will be a thing for future posts.
In the meantime, I'd love to hear your feedback on the process so far. Do you agree with the decisions I've made so far? Did you spot anything I missed? Which power would you like to see abilities for first? Do you think this entire endeavor is silly? Chime in in the comments!
In the meantime, I'd love to hear your feedback on the process so far. Do you agree with the decisions I've made so far? Did you spot anything I missed? Which power would you like to see abilities for first? Do you think this entire endeavor is silly? Chime in in the comments!
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