Monday, August 27, 2018

Additional Totems

What follow are three totems that were cut from Totem Spirits for the sake of word count. These were held in reserve just in case they were requested, but since they won't be going into Pyramid, they are presented here.

Bear Totem

The bear embodies the courage and power of the warrior, the unpredictability and freedom of the wind, and the ferocity of a protective mother. It is a wise spirit who sees into people and is said to be the brother of men. Druids, mages and shamans who serve as a vessel to this totem gain the power and ferocity of the bear, along with its protective nature and ill temper.

The short ritual to invite the bear involves donning a bear skin and chanting for ten seconds. Activation costs 1 FP, plus an additional 1 FP per minute until the vessel casts off the bear's skin (physically and metaphorically).


176 points
Attributes: ST+8 [80]; HT+2 [20].

Secondary Characteristics: Will+2 [10].

Advantages: Acute Smell 2 [4]; Common Sense [10]; Constriction Attack [15]; Discriminatory Smell [15]; DR 2 [10]; Enhanced Move 1/2 (Ground; Temporary Disadvantage, Quadruped, -35%) [7]; Fearlessness 5 [10]; Hard to Subdue 3 [6]; Medium [10]; Metabolism Control 2 (Hibernation, -60%) [4]; Nictitating Membrane 1 [1]; Night Vision 4 [4]; Reduced Consumption 1 (Cast Iron Stomach, -50%) [1]; Sensitivity [5]; Speak with Animals (Specialized, Bears only, -60%) [10]; Temperature Tolerance 2 (cold) [2]; Ultrahearing [5].

Perks: Fast Eater [1]; Robust Vision [1].

Disadvantages: Bad Temper (9) [-15]; Dependency (Assume my natural form; Constantly; Fatigue Only, -50%) [-12]; Gluttony (12) [-10]; Ham-Fisted 1 [-10]; Impulsiveness (12) [-10]; Sense of Duty (Own People) [-10]; Stubbornness [-5]; Weak Bite [-2].

Quirks: Dichromatic Sight (Red-Green) [-1]; Uncongenial [-1].

Skills: Body Language (A) Per+0 [2]; Brawling (E) DX+1 [2]; Esoteric Medicine (Shamanic) (E) Per+0 [4]; First Aid (E) IQ+1 [2]; Intimidation (A) Will+1 [4]; Meditation (H) Will+0 [4]; Wrestling (A) DX+1 [4].

Spirit Vessel Advantage

170 points
The base 15-point cost of Alternate Form has these limitations for a total of -25%:
  • Accessibility, requires donning the skin of a bear, -5%
  • Costs 1 FP, -5%
  • Requires Reaction Roll, -5%
  • Totem, -10%

Divine Favor Advantage

While not as powerful as the sun or the sky, the bear still remains a minor divinity. As such, its Divine Favor takes the Minor Deity limitation. Typical miracles free a petitioner’s movement and mind, offer protection, and bolster Strength and Will.

Sample Learned Prayer - Wisdom of the Bear

Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 7.
Learned Prayer Cost: 5 points.

The next time you need to make a choice with no clearly good option or the next time you decide to do something clearly stupid, the GM rolls against your IQ+2. If you are deciding between options, this roll takes a bonus equal to the number of good choices and a penalty equal to the number of bad choices.

On a success, he guides you to a good choice or steers you away from a bad course of action, and on a critical success, he tells you the best choice or informs you of your folly. On a failure, he gives you no information, and on a critical failure, he steers you to a bad choice.

Statistics: Common Sense (Reliable, +2, +10%; Totem, -10%) [10] + Intuition (Reliable, +2, +10%; Totem, -10%) [15].

Bear Power

Source: Divine, Nature, or Spirit.
Focus: Qualities of the bear.

This power represents Minor Possession by the bear. Whenever a vessel uses an ability granted by the bear, he gains some of the bear’s orneriness and free-spirited personality. The bear prefers vessels with Senses of Duty and may also accept a Code of Honor that involves protecting others, like Gentleman’s or Chivalry.

Bear Talent

5 points/level

Bear Abilities

Common Sense; Constriction Attack; Discriminatory Smell; Fearlessness; Hard to Subdue; Medium; Metabolism Control, with Hibernation Only; Sensitivity; and Speak with Animals, with Specialized, Bears only (-60%).

Power Modifier: Bear. This includes Temporary Disadvantage, Bad Temper (15) and Bad Temper (15), and Totem. -20%.

Flame Lord

This is a Flame Lord from GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 1 (p. 15) bolstered to serve as a low level totem. Such flame lords often have improved DX, Basic Speed, Damage Reduction against fire, and inflict far more fire damage with their fireballs – which usually add Explosion 1 – and flaming aura. Additional ST is also common, as are additional fire-based abilities. Because even these more powerful flame lords are still relatively weak totems, they can only have one vessel at a time.

Taking on the vestige of a flame lord requires ten seconds of concentration, after which, the vessel gains the ability to hurl fireballs that inflict 2d burn exp damage, ignore mundane flames, and even ignite himself for short periods of time.


41 points

Secondary Characteristics: Basic Speed +1 [20].

Advantages: Burning Attack 1d (Aura, +80%; Melee Attack, -30%; Extended Duration x10, +40%) [10]; Burning Attack 2d (Costs 1 FP, -5%; Explosion 1, +50%) [15]; Damage Resistance 5 (Limited, Heat/Fire, -40%) [15]; Infravision [10].

Disadvantages: Bad Temper (12) [-10]; Pyromania (9) [-7]; Sadism (12) [-15]; Unnatural Features (Flame-red eyes) [-1].

Skills: Innate Attack (Projectile) (E) DX+2 [4].

Spirit Vessel Advantage

50 points
The base 15-point cost of Alternate Form has these limitations for a total of -15%:
  • Requires Reaction Roll, -5%
  • Totem, -10%

Divine Favor Advantage

Despite being formidable adversaries and powerful allies, flame lords make relatively weak totems. Only unusually powerful flame lords can even answer prayers; their Divine Favor takes the Minor Spirit limitation.

Sample Learned Prayer - Firewalker

Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 9.
Learned Prayer Cost: 5 points.

You can ignore all of the hazardous effects related to heat, smoke, and fire and enjoy DR 5 against heat and fire.

Statistics: Damage Resistance 5 (Limited, Heat/Fire, -40%) [15] + Immune to Heat/Fire Hazards [10].

Flame Lord Power

Source: Nature or Spirit.
Focus: Fire.

This power represents Minor Possession by a flame lord. Vessels who use flame lord powers gain some of its hot temper and more than just an unhealthy fascination with fire. Flame lords usually favor vessels with Disciplines of Faith (Mysticism or Ritualism) when it involves fire worship or pyromancy and minor Trademarks in the form of burnt offerings.

Flame Talent

5 points/level

Flame Abilities

Damage Resistance, with Limited, Heat/Fire; Infravision; Resistant or Immunity to Heat/Fire Effects; and Temperature Tolerance.

Attacks include Burning Attack for fireballs and flame jets, and Fatigue Attacks with Coughing can represent smoke inhalation.

Flame Modifier: Flame Lord. This includes Temporary Disadvantage, Bad Temper (15) and Pyromania (12), and Totem. -30%.

Wolf Totem

The wolf embodies the highest sense of loyalty of any totem animal. Highly social, friendly, and adept at communication, the wolf overflows with generosity and compassion for its friends, and its cunning intelligence makes it dangerous to those who would threaten them. The wolf represents deep faith, profound understanding, victory, and lunar power. Those who serve as a vessel for the wolf gain its intellect, tactical cunning, keen senses, its deep sense of loyalty, recalcitrance, and vindictiveness.

The short ritual to invite the wolf involves buckling a wolf skin belt or girdle on and chanting for ten seconds. Activation costs 1 FP, plus an additional 1 FP per minute until the vessel removes the wolf skin belt.


140 points
Attributes: DX+2 [40]; IQ+1 [20]; HT+1 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Per+2 [10]; Basic Speed+0.25 [5].

Advantages: Acute Smell 3 [6]; Born War Leader 2 [10]; Combat Reflexes [15]; Discriminatory Smell [15]; DR 1 (Tough Skin, -40%) [3]; Enhanced Move 0.5 (Ground; Temporary Disadvantage, Quadruped, -35%) [7]; Night Vision 4 [4]; Reduced Consumption 2 (Cast Iron Stomach, -50%) [2]; Sensitivity [5]; Speak with Animals (Specialized, Canines only, -60%) [10]; Temperature Tolerance 2 (Cold) [2]; Ultrahearing [5].

Perks: Fast Eater [1]; Penetrating Voice [1].

Disadvantages: Dependency (Assume my natural form; Constantly; Fatigue Only, -50%) [-12]; Gluttony (12) [-10]; Gregarious [-15]; Odious Personal Habit -2 (Resists authority whenever possible) [-10]; Sense of Duty (Friends) [-5]; Vow (Always get vengeance) [-10].

Quirks: Dichromatic Sight (Red-Green) [-1]; Distinctive Features (Hairy) [-1]; Incompetence (Climbing) [-1].

Skills: Body Language (Per/A) Per+2 [8]; Brawling (DX/A) DX+2 [4]; Detect Lies (Per/H) Per+1 [4]; Intimidation (Will/A) Will [2]; Leadership (IQ/A) IQ+1 [2]; Running (HT/A) HT [2]; Stealth (DX/A) DX [2]; Strategy (IQ/H) IQ+1 [2]; Tactics (IQ/H) IQ+1 [2]; Tracking (Per/A) Per+4 [2]; Wrestling (DX/A) DX+2 [4].

Spirit Vessel Advantage

138 points
The base 15-point cost of Alternate Form has these limitations for a total of -25%:
  • Accessibility, requires donning a wolf-skin belt, -5%
  • Costs 1 FP, -5%
  • Requires Reaction Roll, -5%
  • Totem, -10%

Divine Favor Advantage

The wolf is a major spirit willing to perform miracles on behalf of petitioners and vessels. Its Divine Favor takes the Major Spirit limitation.

Sample Learned Prayer - Howl at the Moon

Learned Prerequisite: Divine Favor 5.
Learned Prayer Cost: 3 points.

Canines will generally ignore you unless you, personally, threaten or attack them.  Whenever you first encounter any dog or wolf, the GM will roll against your IQ; on a success, the GM will tell you how the dog feels. Moreover, you can use influence skills normally with them, and even speak with them.

Statistics: Animal Empathy (Specialized, Canines Only, -60%; Totem, -10%) [2] + Brotherhood of the Wolf [1] + Speak to Animals (Specialized, Canines Only, -60%; Totem, -10%) [8].

Wolf Power

Source: Divine, Nature, or Spirit.
Focus: Qualities of the wolf.

This power represents Minor Possession by the wolf. Vessels who use wolf abilities gain the wolf's need for companionship and its intense loyalty to its friends. The wolf typically prefers vessels with a Sense of Duty and a minor Trademark in the form of offerings of food.

Wolf Talent

5 points/level

Wolf Abilities

Acute Smell; Born War Leader; Combat Reflexes; Discriminatory Smell; Empathy; Fit; Night Vision; and Speak with Animals, with Specialized, Canines only ( -60%).

Power Modifier: Wolf. This includes Temporary Disadvantage, Chummy and Sense of Duty (Friends), and Totem. -20%.

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