Wednesday, December 12, 2018

New Divine Element: Dream

Once again, I needed a divine element for a god I was writing up, and upon looking in DF 5 - Allies, it wasn't there. I don't blame the book; it does a great job at what it is meant for. I am just making a more detailed group of deities than it was intended to address. But I digress.

Please enjoy the following divine element intended for deities that govern dreams, nightmares, prophecy, etc. I you have any special requests or have noticed any other gaps in the divine elements presented in DF 5 - Allies, let me know in the comments. I'm all for expanding on that idea.


Also appropriate for gods of prophecy, sleep, succor, or fear. Servitors of Dream can send anyone within a 2-yard radius into a deep, deep sleep on a failed Will roll; the slumber lasts a number of hours equal to Margin of Failure. Those so afflicted are at -5 to Perception to be woken by loud noises – roll for any failed Stealth roll, at +2 if not using Stealth, or at +5 if a full-fledged battle is raging. Shaking and yelling at the person, splashing them with water, etc. will wake them, normally.

Some servitors of Dream can go as far as bodily entering a sleeping person’s dreams with a touch. They may do this for any number of reasons. Prophecies are often revealed through dream messengers, but living nightmares won’t have such benign intents.


Advantages: Affliction 1 (Area Effect, 2 yds., +50%; Costs 2FP/use, -10%; Extended Duration, x60, +80%; Malediction, +100%; Selective Area, +20%; Sleep, +150%) [49].
Skills: Innate Attack (Gaze) (E) DX [1]-12.

Dream (Doubled)

Advantages: Affliction 1 (Area Effect, 2 yds., +50%; Costs 2FP/use, -10%; Extended Duration, x60, +80%; Malediction, +100%; Selective Area, +20%; Sleep, +150%) [49]; Jumper (Spirit; Limited Access, Dreams, -20%; Melee Attack, -30%) [50].
Skills: Innate Attack (Gaze) (E) DX [1]-12.

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