Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Architect of Worlds

If you don't know about this, you should. Jon Zeigler, author of GURPS Space has been updating his system to conform with modern research. He hasn't posted all of it yet - it is still in the works - but for those of you who love science fiction and need to generate worlds, it is fantastic. What's even crazier is that he has posted it on his blog for free.

The entire Architect of Worlds system to date can be found here in PDF form:
Architect of Worlds

You can find the individual steps here:

So if you love science fiction gaming, world building (literally!) or generally want to see this amazing work come to fruition, make sure you go check out his blog. I know I'll be using this creation sequence the next time I run a science fiction game.


  1. Oh man, thank you for the heads up!

    1. Most definitely welcome. I'm trying to write a python script to automate the process, too. But that is taking a back seat to some of the more intense coursework I've had to do.

      Once it is done, I'll pass it by Jon and see if he minds me sharing it. I think his model would benefit quite a bit from automation, but what ive done with it yields good and interesting results. I'm biased, but I love his work.

  2. Aha, so this is why I've seen a big surge in traffic to my blog recently :-).

    FYI, I've just set up a page for this project under the "Sharrukin's Worlds" section of the blog, available in the sidebar. That page includes links to PDFs of current drafts of the sections of the book that are complete so far, including all the steps in the design sequence that you link to above. Might be more convenient for readers than having to parse through a bunch of old blog posts. I'll undertake to keep those PDFs current as I continue working on those sections.

    1. Oh awesome! I'll update this post. That will he mich easier for people for sure.
