The Nobility
Rank: Status 0 to 4.
In Charge: Earl Borg
(Knight), and sometimes Baron van Freek (Knight).
In the Ranks: Virtually
anyone except assassins and thieves.
On the Payroll: Anyone.
Influencing the AR: Diplomacy
or Savoir-Faire (High Society).
Alnwich is a subjugated territory of Usk, and as such, falls
under the jurisdiction of the Usking king, whose authority flows through Earl
Borg. The Earl also governs the entirety of Northmarch, so while his seat of
power is in Alnwich, his duties often carry him away to other parts of the
In his absence, the Council of Elders, an assembly of aldermen
consisting of the heads of the most powerful families in Alnwich and other
prominent interests and chaired by the Baron of Alnwich, Staffan van Freek,
attend to the administration and governance of the town. Current members
include Hella Winter, Kari Eklund, Morten Ververs – the current RMS adjunct –, Old
Man Fisker, Sir Linqvist, Thyra Hakonson – the head priest of the Pantheon –,
and Veli Holt among others.
Within this assembly, a great deal of tension exists. While those
of Alnwich are growing wealthy off of the new fur trade, the pride of the
Skidafolk runs deep, and just as deep runs their resentment of subjugation.
This is only exacerbated by the fact thatMorten Ververs and Sir Lindqvist always
back Baron van Freek against the locals. This is regularly used as justification
to move against the wishes of the locals. As a result, the town council is
often considered by those of Alnwich to be at best an empty symbol and at worst
a mouthpiece for Usk.
For those locals on the council, it serves as a means to make
their people’s voice heard by the nobility in Dunmore. It may not ultimately
matter in the decision-making process, but making no attempt is seen as
forfeiting any hope of self-governance they might ever have. Fortunately for
Alnwich, the Earl prefers to keep the peace and doesn’t demand too much of the
Ranks within the nobility depend on heredity. Those of Usk include
Freeman or Esquire (Rank 0), Knight (Rank 1), Baronet (Rank 2), Baron (Rank 3),
and Earl (Rank 4). There is one Baron, one Earl, and no Baronet in Alnwich. For
locals, noble ranks are limited to Freeman (Rank 0), Alderman (Rank 1), and
Hetman (Rank 2), but no Hetman has existed since the subjugation by Usk, nor is
one permitted to be chosen.
What the Nobility Wants
First and foremost, the nobility wants power. The Sir Lindqvist
wants the barony, the Baron wants the earldom, and the Earl wants to keep his
power against potential usurpers in Alnwich and in the court at Dunmore. The
aldermen of Alnwich desperately want to take the reins of power back from the
Usking nobility. While they lack the military force to stand in direct conflict
with the crown, they try subtler methods to grab power – usually in the form of
taking on tasks the Earl or Baron do not themselves want to deal with. The
aldermen have also been known to secretly back the Fellowship and promote a
level of banditry against Usking interests, although such extreme measures are
rare. The threat of losing what little power they have usually keeps them under
heal. This makes for chaotic internal dynamics and unlikely allies at the best
of times and Machiavellian chicanery at the worst of times.
But the one thing all of the nobility can agree on is that one of
them should be in power. To this end, the nobility wants to maintain peace in
Alnwich and win the praise of the people. This often leads them to place
bounties on the heads of bandits who threaten the town and to hire adventurers
to dispose of monstrous threats from the wilds. Other potential jobs may
include exploration, mapping, adventuring for the glory of the town – the people
love heroes. In fact, the aldermen will gladly back local adventurers in hopes
of one-upping Usk, and similarly, the Usking nobility will back Usking
adventurers to prove their superiority over the locals.
What the Nobility Can Provide
While the nobility can
provide training in military skills, they generally do not. Individuals must
track down an instructor themselves; threat this as a standard AR roll. What
they do teach are social skills – Dancing, Diplomacy, Heraldry, Leadership,
Propaganda, Public Speaking, Savoir-Faire (High Society), etc.
Professional goods include luxuries (spices, fine wines, ornate
personal items, and other extravagances), weapons, and armor.
- Accommodations. Even if, for some unthinkable reason, the lordly residence and those households kept by the aldermen have no space, the Earl and Baron can always order a local to quarter the adventurers.
- Favor. Nobles are politicians; they promise much but deliver poorly. Favors are at +2 to ARs, but effective frequency of appearance is Status + 6.
- Immunity. Nobles are in charge of enforcing the laws and can grant carte blanche at will. +3 to ARs, and treat a successful result as if the requestor were two levels of Status higher.
- Lore. The full benefit applies only to uses of Current Affairs, Geography (Political or Regional), Heraldry, and History in the region under the nobility’s authority. Otherwise, treat requests as those the court is not usually equipped to fill.
- Map. As with lore, the full benefit only applies to the civilized lands and surrounding wilderness.
- Mounts & Vehicles. In addition to having power, the nobility has money. On a successful AR, treat the results as though the requestor were two levels of Status higher.
- Provisions. As with mounts and vehicles, treat the results as though the requestor were two levels of Status higher.
- Replacement.
- Special Orders. The Nobility has access to the best. +2 to ARs.
What they can’t provide, they can usually order someone else to
do. Other ARs are at a penalty of -1 or worse.
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