Sunday, February 24, 2019

The Gods of Alnwich: Pantheon Generalists

Today, I will talk what should be taken as the "normal" way of worshipping the gods, that is, as a whole. The write-up below treats the entire pantheon as a single entity for the purposes of building clerics and holy warriors.

The Pantheon

the Gods

Treat as a Greater Deity
Sphere of Influence: Everything.
Symbols: Oak Tree.
Favored Weapon: Any.
Relationships: It's Complicated.

Most people in and around Alnwich worship the entire pantheon as a whole, and make appropriate offerings during the many holidays and festivals – sometimes to specific deities, sometimes to all of them. The history of the gods is too long and intricate to tell here, but such stories are the regular subjects songs, evening tales, and poetry. The people believe the gods are very real and very physically present. One does not brush off chance meetings with strangers or signs of things to come.

Moreover, the pantheon consists of far more deities than just the main thirteen. Some of these may be local spirits that choose to intervene in mortal affairs, personifications of concepts, or even just animal spirits and elementals. Because there are so many deities, people don’t just believe in their physicality, they expect to encounter them.


The gods generally favor people who are good to each other – Sense of Duty (Community or Coreligionists) [-10] –, true to their word – Truthfulness –, and altruistic – Charitable or Selfless. They also favor those who are devout in their sacrifices and prayers – Disciplines of Faith (Mysticism, Ritual Sacrifices, or Ritualism) or Trademark (Small Sacrifices) [-5].

Divine Servitors

Divine servitors tend to serve individual deities. These may have nearly any divine elements as specified under each individual divinity.


Shrines are rarely dedicated to the pantheon as a whole. Instead, entire temples are built, within which are shrines to each major deity – and sometimes minor ones, as well – such that each has a place and none are truly favored. The main hall of the temple is round, with each deity’s shrine on its perimeter and an oculus open to the sky above the center of the hall. There, a small oak tree grows to represent the entire pantheon, with the leaves the gods and the branches their destinies. In this way, worshippers are reminded that just as the gods are all individuals yet intertwined by fate, so too are people.

The rooms and chambers beyond the main hall often vary between temples, but an antechamber for preparation and quiet prayer is common. It is also common to build the temple on raised ground or construct a mound specifically to raise it. The surrounding grounds may be decorated with gardens or be left plain and wild, depending on the area’s favored deities.

Clerics of the Pantheon

Priests of the pantheon should generally be built using the Initiate template with the following modifications:

Disadvantages: Add a required -10 points in any of the disadvantages listed under Morals, above and reduce the -30 points disadvantages to -20.
Skills: Remove Blowpipe, Bolas, Lasso, and Net, and from the ranged weapon options and add Thrown Weapon (Axe/Mace) (E) DX+1 [2]-12. • Add Area Knowledge (Trollenmere) (E) IQ [1]-13; Skating (H) HT-2 [1]-8; and Skiing (H) HT-2 [1]-8 to the list of optional background skills.
Special Abilities and Spells: Choose the following 25-point package:

Cleric of the Pantheon: Either Power Investiture 2 [20] or Divine Favor 5 [20]. • Choose [-10] points from disadvantages mentioned in Morality, above. • 15 points total in any combination of Power Investiture 3 [10], Divine Favor 6 or 7 [5 or 15], Learned Prayers, or clerical spells.

Holy Warriors of the Pantheon

Holy warriors of the pantheon are typically built using the Squire template with the following modification:

Advantages: Add Divine Favor 4, 5, or 6 [10, 15, or 20] and “or Learned Prayers” to the list of optional advantages.
Disadvantages: Add a required -10 points in any of the disadvantages listed under Morals, above and reduce first -20 points disadvantages to -10.

Cleric Spells

Priests of the pantheon as a whole receive access to the standard clerical spell list (DF 1 – Adventurers, p. 19).

Divine Favor

The pantheon regularly hears prayers for protection and prophecy. It will grant similar learned prayers, but also provides for agents of divine wrath who can smite foes and cast out corruption, as well.
Allies marked with an asterisk (*) either summons a new divine servitor every time or summons a specific one each time. The player must decide when he initially buys the ability.

Abilities Allies (Divine Servitors*), with Summonable; Animal Empathy; Blessed; Channeling, with Specialized, Divine Servitors; Common Sense; Damage Resistance, with Limited, Corruption (-60%); Danger Sense; Detect, for Corruption, Purity, or Supernatural Beings; Empathy; Healing, with Faith Healing; Intuition; Mind Shield; Oracle; Regeneration, with Maximum Duration; Resistant to Corrupt Supernatural Powers, but not Immunity; Spirit Empathy; Terror (Awe); and True Faith, with Turning.

Attacks are also possible. Heavenly smiting is either a Burning or Corrosion Attack, often with Follow-Up (Any Weapon), Malediction, Melee Attack, or Sense-Based. Afflictions that bless or curse fit, too. These must have one or more of Advantage, Disadvantage, Negated Advantage, or Negated Disadvantage. They must also have No Signature and one of Malediction, Melee Attack, or Sense-Based. Suggested traits to afflict include but are not limited to Cursed, Luck, Serendipity, Super Luck, and Unluckiness.

Jürä • Karalis • Korë • Liekki • Likumä • Malä • Menes • Milä • Pazamë • Sëra • Sieva • Veträ • Yaunävä

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