Sunday, January 10, 2016

Slaughtered Sense

Today's offering delves into a a bit of necromancy.

Slaughtered Sense (Ritual)

Spell Effects: Lesser Sense Spirit + Lesser Sense Spirit.
Inherent Modifiers: Area of Effect.
Casting Roll: 0 (x1).

You can perceive and speak with any spirits of those slain in battle who are within 10 yards. Not only can you sense when such ghosts are near, you can see them and can roll against your Path skill to sense their general intentions. Failure gives no answer, and on a critical failure, the GM lies!

Typical Casting: Lesser Sense Spirit (2) + Lesser Sense Spirit (2) + Area of Effect, 2 yards (8). 12 energy (12x1).

Slaughtered Sense (Sorcery)

Keywords: Buff.
Full Cost: 19 points.
Casting Roll: None. Use Innate Attack (Gaze) to aim.
Range: 100 yards.
Duration: 3 minutes.

You can perceive and speak with the spirits of those slain in battle. Not only can you sense when such ghosts are near, you can see them. Add your Magery level to any Vision rolls to notice the ghosts of the slain.
Lastly, you can sense the general intentions of any slain ghost you encounter with a successful roll against IQ + your Magery level, and can use your Influence skills on them normally.

Statistics: Affliction 1 (Advantage, Slaughtered Sense, +170%; Increased 1/2D Range, 10x, +15%; No Signature, +20%; Sorcery, -15%) [19]. Note: Slaughtered Sense is Medium (Linked, +10%; Magical, -10%; Specific, Ghosts of Those Slain in Battle, -75%) [3] + See Invisible (Ghosts) (Accessibility, Ghosts of Those Slain in Battle, -25%; Linked, +10%; Magical, -10%) [11] + Spirit Empathy (Linked, +10%; Magical, -10%; Specific, Ghosts of Those Slain in Battle, -75%) [3].

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