Wednesday, November 28, 2018

New Divine Element: Madness

Today I tried to lay out the elements for the divine servitors of one of my gods, and I realized that DF 5 - Allies doesn't have a Madness element. Considering the prevalence of "divine madness" in European pagan faiths, I was really shocked. So I made one:


Also appropriate for gods of the arts, chaos, fertility, and liberty. Servitors of Madness can afflict any group of people standing within 4 yards of one another with temporary madness that carries moments of divine clarity. The exact nature of the madness is unique to the servitor, but it is always of a nature that spurs action, revelry, debauchery, or bohemianism. Particularly powerful Madness servitors can send a target into a battle frenzy with a mere glance.

While madness may seem inextricably linked to chaos, there is no reason it must be. In fact, madness is often seen as a temporary reprieve from the social pressures of a respectable life.


Advantages: Affliction 1 (Advantage, Common Sense, +100%; Area of Attack, 2 yards, +50%; Disadvantage, -10 point disadvantage*, +10%; Malediction, +100%; No Signature, +20%; Selective, +20%) [40]; Mind Shield 1 [4]; No Hangovers [1].
Skills: Innate Attack (Gaze) (E) DX+2 [4]-14; Psychology (H) IQ [1]-10.

* Appropriate disadvantages include those that represent a sort of frenzied madness, such as Bad Temper (10), Berserk (10), Bloodlust (10), Confused (10), Gluttony (6), Lecherousness (15) and Overconfidence (15), Major Delusion (I can do whatever I want without repercussions!), Phantom Voices (Disturbing), etc. Each divine servitor infects people with a single kind of madness.

Madness (Doubled)

Advantages: Affliction 1 (Advantage, Common Sense, +100%; Area of Attack, 2 yards, +50%; Disadvantage, -10 point disadvantage*, +10%; Malediction, +100%; No Signature, +20%; Selective, +20%) [40]; Affliction 3 (Costs 1 FP/Use, -5%; Disadvantage, Berserk (No Roll), +25%; Malediction, +100%; Reduced Duration, 1/60, -35%; Takes Recharge, 15 seconds, -20%) [50]; Mind Shield 1 [4]; No Hangovers [1].
Skills: Innate Attack (Gaze) (E) DX+2 [4]-14; Psychology (H) IQ [1]-10.

* Appropriate disadvantages include those that represent a sort of frenzied madness, such as Bad Temper (10), Berserk (10), Bloodlust (10), Confused (10), Gluttony (6), Lecherousness (15) and Overconfidence (15), Major Delusion (I can do whatever I want without repercussions!), Phantom Voices (Disturbing), etc. Each divine servitor infects people with a single kind of madness.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! Are there any other divine elements you've noticed missing from the list in DF 5 - Allies?
